Since 2010 DEZINES Internet Solutions Limited have understood the importance of generating sitemap.xml code and how Google Search Console plays a vital part in helping your domains reach your intended audience.
Google Search Console quickly and easily makes sure that the latest content from your website is crawled and indexed by Google, and ultimately helping customers find your website.
Search Console gives free tools and reports to help you measure your site's Search traffic and performance, fix issues, generate sitemap.xml html code and make your site shine in Google Search results.
DEZINES believes this is a mission critical App... and best of all it's currently free to use on our platform. We offer a paid service to setup and manage your Google Account, Business Profile and Search Console linked to your domains - please ask if that's of interest.
Search Console App verifies your website with Google and then creates a new website in your Google account. The App does the following:
Don't know where to start or simply don't have the time? DEZINES have a strong track record of helping clients' setup and integrate their Google Accounts, Business Profile and Search Console applications to their website.
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